By Jean Claude Ndakasi

In November 2019, I was part of the Congolese delegation to the World Ranger Congress in Nepal, Chitwan National Park.

I met many interesting colleagues from a myriad of countries. Somehow four separate contacts. I made there have developed into a budding field project partnership in Africa specially the Czech Rangers Association, Wild Response NGO and PRALES DETEM/NGO FOREST FOR CHILDREN.

Since January 2020, I've decided to create a Congolese Organization called:

The Community Ranger's Association of Congo ''CAF'' which is a Synergy of 3 National Parks, 2 Community Reserves and 3 Environmental Associations for Conservation of Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Pangolins, Elephants, Okapis, birds,...

An important agreement (2021-2025) is developed between CAF and HARAMBE'S HAND FOUNDATIONas well as the Czech Ranger Association to support the Monitoring Program Eye of Gorilla with Trails Camera Traps and the Environmental Education Program with schools in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Since 25th May 2020 till 25th August, the NGO FOREST FOR CHILDREN had decided to support the Patrol Ration for Rangers in Kisimba-Ikobo Primates Reserve especially in 2 sectors where Poachers and hunters usually operate. Unfortunately the support is ending on 25th August while CAF has not yet found other financial means.

Currently, CAF RDC asbl in collaboration with HYDROLIQUE SANS FONTIERE ''HYFRO asbl'',  the HARAMBE'HAND FOUNDATION is focused to support the Junior Ranger Program and the Gorilla Monitoring Project In the Luviru & Tayna Natural Reserves

Aerial view of the Luviru Natural Reserve

Since COVID 19, our 80 Community Rangers lossed their salaries. They live very hard and CAF is unable to assist them. In the social framework, an international cooperation with other Rangers from Europe, America, ... would be desirable. The rangers are men and women recruited from local villages to protect species at risk from poaching in the Tayna Natural Reserve and Kisimba-Ikobo Primates Reserve.

The Reserve is home to endangered gorillas, chimpanzees, Okapi, native birds, Pangolins and Elephants. All have seen an increase in poaching since the 2007 world recession with most of the demand from the middle class to affluent Chinese consumer. The value of a single rhinoceros horn is worth much more than its weight in gold. I have included a few photos of its most recent June patrol. 80 rangers are funded by a shoestring but meticulously detailed budget (right down to women's feminine hygiene products).

To effectively patrol these vast jungle areas it requires a platoon like group of rangers with logistical support, training, equipment/ uniforms, communications and food for up to 30 days or more. The ranger patrol project proposal stated: "Rangers will consume their usual foods (rice, beans, cassava bread, coffee, sugar, and potatoes" The goal of the project was to "allow...community rangers...to improve working conditions by acquiring food autonomy from the patrol ration".

No food, no patrols. To counter poacher activity successfully there need to be regular well equipped patrols. The monthly food and support budget for patrol missions in one of the four Primate Reserve sectors is $ 500. These 80 rangers do not work for the government.

The CAF, Community Rangers Association of the Congo was founded by Jean Claude Muhindo Ndakasi a former Congolese government ranger who spent several years assigned to Virunga National Park and Upemba National Park. To get a true feel of the hazards and challenges of being a DRC ranger watch the Netflix 2014 documentary, Virunga. The CAF mission is to engage local villagers to be more supportive of the parks since many lived within these wild lands before they became parks.

Photos : Mhindo Ndakasi Jean Claude

Some villagers had been evicted from land they had hunted and foraged in for generations. This local approach to ranger stewardship has been a growing trend that the CAF is spearheading. The government does not have the resources or in some cases the political will to protect the critters for which the parks were established. CAF is headquartered in Goma City in eastern DRC.

Thank you for reading us .

I am hoping for your good collaboration and your kind support. We thank you in advance.

For any support to the Community Ranger's Association of Congo ''CAF CONGO'', please feel free to contact us:

- E-mail: ndakasijc@gmail.com  caf.rdc@gmail.com

- Telephone: +243 994692636

- Web Page: www.caf-rdc.webnode.co.uk

Or wire your financial support to:

  • Bank Name: Trust Merchant Bank S.A
  • Swift Code: TRMSCD3L
  • Account Number: 00017280002305710010179
  • Addresses: Democratic Republic of Congo, Goma City, Commune: KARISIMBI, Quarter: Katoyi, Avenue: SALONGO, Avenue: SALONGO No 33.
  • Telephone: +243 994692636

ARTICLE 2. DEPREDATION OF WILD ANIMALS AROUND THE                                                            VIRUNGA NATIONAL PARK

By Jean Claude Ndakasi

For a long time, the local communities around Virunga National Park have been the victims of several cases of depredation of wild animals from the Park.

The most recent case took place at Rugari on 23th, July 2020 where a village woman was killed by a buffalo coming from the forests of Virunga National Park, Mikeno sector. This woman, who had been widow for a year, left 6 orphaned children including 2 boys and 4 girls.

This small, innocent and poor family lives in very difficult conditions and without any assistance from the managers of Virunga National Park.

All these orphaned children do not study and have difficulty finding food (even one meal a day).

Contacted by CAF field officers, the eldest member of the family ( 19 years old ) would like to find an Income Generating Activity in order to meet the family's needs. He said: ''If I find a motorbike I can become a Taximan in order to provide for the needs of my family and my little sisters''.

As if that were not enough, this buffalo also killed 2 men at Rugari center, a locality situated at about 10 km from Rumangabo (the Headquarter of the Virunga Park). These victims left 2 widows and 11 orphan children including 8 boys and 3 girls. 

Photo Credit/ Jacques BAHITIRYE

It was a general panic in this locality to see a wild animal fighting with people...

7 hours later in the evening, the community of Rugari succeeded in killing this buffalo and shared the meat.

In total, 17 victims were identified by our Field officers. Unfortunately, so far they have received no assistance from Virunga National park Managers.

Given their state of vulnerability, the Community Ranger's Association of Congo '' CAF 'is seeking financial support from donor, sponsor or any person of goodwill in order to come and assist these victims of the depredation of wild animals.

Thanks for reading us.

I am hoping for your good collaboration and your kind support. We thank you in advance.

For any support to the victims of depredation, please feel free to contact us:

- E-mail: ndakasijc@gmail.com ; caf.rdc@gmail.com

- Telephone: +243 994692636

Or wire your financial support to:

  • Bank Name: Trust Merchant Bank S.A
  • Swift Code: TRMSCD3L
  • Account Number: 00017280002305710010179
  • Addresses: Democratic Republic of Congo, Goma City, Commune: KARISIMBI, Quarter: Katoyi, Avenue: SALONGO, Avenue: SALONGO No 33.
  • Telephone: +243 994692636


Promotion la Conservation de la Faune et la Faune en RDC

Par Jean Claude Ndakasi

Etre Ranger est un travail à haut risque en Republique Democratique du Congo. Depuis plusieurs années, les rangers sont tuees par les braconniers et groupes armees dans la région laissant derrière eux, veuves et orphelins.

Cette année, les rangers en RDC ont fait une brèche dans les médias en raison de l'événement tragique d'avril. Au moins 12 gardes du parc national des Virunga ont été abattus dans une embuscade tendu par un groupe rebelle présumé FDLR.

Plusieurs autres, y compris les civils qui les accompagnaient, ont été grièvement blessés, ce qui a rendu le bilan global des pertes encore plus triste. Malheureusement, les rangers morts ne font pas exception dans ce pays. Ils sont souvent victimes d'attaques de braconniers ou de rebelles. Et ils meurent en protégeant des espèces rares d'animaux et de touristes.

Dans le souci de soulager et reconforter tant soi peu les familles eprouvees, CAF CONGO a pu solliciter une assistance aupres de son partennaire PRALES DETEM CZ/NGO FOREST FOR CHILDREN qui n'a pa hesitee d'assister les familles de victimes moyenant 1500 Euros , une somme qui a ete viree dans le compte bancaire de la Direction Provinciale du Parc Nationale de Virunga.

Dans le souci d'encadrer ces veuves et orphelins, CAF RDC asbl à travers son programme des aspects communautaire a initié le volet ''Femmes''. Ce volet vise à regrouper ces veuves et orphelins de Rangers autour d'un objectif commun au sein d'une association dénommée ''Association de Veuves et Orphelins de Rangers ''AVOR'' et les initier à diverses activités Génératrices de Revenus afin qu'ils puissent subvenir à leurs besoins ménagers et personnels :

  • Fabrication et vente des œuvres d'arts
  • Atelier de couture
  • Pâtisserie, ect.

AVOR est basé dans la ville de Goma. Il est dirigé par Mrs KABUGHO FLORENCE et Ir KAMBALE COSMAS.

1. Mrs KABUGHO FLORENCE est une orpheline de Ranger. Son Père Mr LOLA Benjamin fut le Chargé de Programme de Monitoring de Gorilles dans le Parc National des Virunga, secteur Sud (1999-2007).

Age de 30 ans, elle est diplômée en Humanités Pédagogiques, Option : Pédagogie Générales.

2. Mr KAMBALE COSMAS est un orphelin de Ranger. Son père fut tué par les rebelles FDLR en Avril 2002 lors d'une embuscade tendu par les présumés rebelles FDLR dans le Parc National de Virunga sur l'axe Tongo..

Agée de 23 ans, il est gradué en Art et métiers (IBTP) et s'occupe actuellement de la fabrication et vente des œuvres d'arts au sein de l'Association ''AVOR'' depuis Juillet 2020. Depuis Aout 2020 AVOR est en partenariat avec ''CORIBAT service'' qui est un groupe des Ingénieurs en construction œuvrant dans le territoire de Rutshuru.

Dans le cadre de Promouvoir la conservation de la Faune et la Flore de nos Parcs nationaux et forets communautaires en RDC, l'Association de veuves et Orphelins de Rangers ''AVOR' en collaboration avec CAF CONGO asbl (Community Ranger's Association of Congo) est entrain de produits des œuvres d'art à base de bois et d'argile. Ces Produits sont fabriques par les veuves et Orphelins de Rangers.

Il s'agit principalement d'un travail qui décrit les espèces d'animaux en disparition et la conservation de la nature en RDC : les animaux phares de nos parcs Nationaux, les montagnes de massif de Virunga,.

A. Les espèces animales phares en RDC

-Gorille de Montagne et Gorilles de Plaine

- Lion

- Léopard

- Eléphant

- Okapi

- Pangolins


- Girafes

- Antilopes

- Hippopotames


- Tortue

B. Flore

- Le Volcan Nyiragongo

- Le Mont Mikeno

- La Montagne Sabinyo

- Les Massifs de Virunga


- (teaspoons, verre, necklecies, grasses, small bolls, paintings, fourchettes, peigne, peigne tige, tortinette, and pirogue).

Signalons qu'une quantité importante de chaque article pourra être produite selon la commande des acheteurs potentiels.

Merci de nous avoir lu.

Tout en comptant sur votre collaboration, nous vous remercions de votre soutien. 

Tout appui marque toujours une différence.

Pour tout appui en faveur de l'Association de Veuves et Orphelins de Rangers ''AVOR'', veuillez nous contacter:

- E-mail: ndakasijc@gmail.com caf.rdc@gmail.com

- Telephone: +243 994692636

Ou virer votre soutien financier dans notre compte bancaire ci-dessous:

  • Bank Name: Trust Merchant Bank S.A
  • Swift Code: TRMSCD3L
  • Account Number: 00017280002305710010179
  • Addresses: Democratic Republic of Congo, Goma City, Commune: KARISIMBI, Quarter: Katoyi, Avenue: SALONGO, Avenue: SALONGO No 33.

Telephone: +243 994692636


What do Rangers do in the field to do Patrol missions?

By Jean Claude Ndakasi

To do Patrol missions, Community Rangers are trained in:

· Ranger Live Saver

· Self defense

· Tactical tracking

· Field data collection

· Trapping

In National Parks, Park Rangers are trained in:

· Para military trainning

· Quick Rapid Force

· Ranger Live Saver

· Self defense

· Tactical tracking

· Field data collection

· Trapping

Both of them do need to have additional trainings, regular capacity building sessions, Uniforms, Patrol Ration as well as the logistical support to improve their work.

Currently, the Community Ranger's Association of Congo ''CAF RDC asbl'' has no vehicle. It will be important to buy motors bikes with their jackets and helmets.

The bikes are to facilitate CAF's investigation unit move faster to track and attend to incidences if wildlife crime.

However, National Parks like Virunga National park, Upenba-Kundelungu National Parks which are well established since 1925, have some vehicles with signs of Rangers.

Credit Photo/Upemba National Parc press 

In DRC, compared to other National Parks, only Virunga National Park has consistent logistics. 

Credit Photo/Virunga NP press


In Community Reserves our rangers are not armed. They don't carry guns. They are civilians and community Rangers.

When our Rangers see the poachers, their trail, or hear their noises, they hide and then observe strictly.

When they meet poachers, Community Rangers have the authority to legitimate them. They fine them or detain them until they bring them to their respective villages to be judged by local leaders.

There is no Jail for poachers, hunters because our approach is ''Non-police conservation ''.

When poachers or hunters are armed, our Community Rangers have no choice. They must hide and run away. Fortunately, it is rare to see armed poachers in community reserves because most of them usually come from neighboring villages. They are therefore part of the local communities.

On the other hand, In National Parks like Virunga National Park, Maiko National Park, Upemba-Kundelungu National Parks,... where there are Park Rangers armed, the situation is the opposite because Rangers are also armed with guns ( AK47, SMJ CALACHINICOV, PKM, ROCKET...).

In the park, when Park Rangers meet with the armed poachers or hunters, they clash directly and the stronger will overpower or crush the weaker.

Credit Photos/ Radio okapi

However, by chance when poachers are arrested, they are taken directly to the Park headquarters and then to the military prosecutor's office to be judged in accordance with the law and put in Jail.

The Congolese National Parks are still applying the '' Police Conservation approach'' because most of the poachers, hunters come from rebel armed groups: FDLR, MAYI MAYI, ADF-NALU, ...

Unfortunately, in the region and because of the political situation, the approach of Police Conservation presents too many bankruptcies and causes too much loss of Rangers life.

Sometimes local communities collaborate with armed rebel groups in the region.

To solve this problem, Park managers as well as the Congolese government should not only raise the awareness of politicians and other multinationals operating in the region (SOCO, ...) but also raise the promotion of the Community Conservation around the Virunga National Park by involving the local residents in the management of the Park. Not just be limited to execute development projects around National Parks.

Thanks for reading us. I am hoping for your good collaboration and your kind support. We thank you in advance.

For any support to the Community Ranger's Association of Congo ''CAF RDC asbl'', please feel free to contact us:

- E-mail: ndakasijc@gmail.com ; caf.rdc@gmail.com

- Telephone: +243 994692636

Or wire your financial support to:

  • Bank Name: Trust Merchant Bank S.A
  • Swift Code: TRMSCD3L
  • Account Number: 00017280002305710010179
  • Addresses: Democratic Republic of Congo, Goma City, Commune: KARISIMBI, Quarter: Katoyi, Avenue: SALONGO, Avenue: SALONGO No 33.
  • Telephone: +243 994692636


In order to prepare a new Ranger Elite in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Community Ranger's Association of Congo ''CAF RDC asbl ''has initiated a program called: Junior Ranger.Program.

This is mainly a program that operates around conserved areas, in particular community reserves and National Parks members of CAF RDC asbl.

The target group are children recruited from neighboring villages and especially from schools.

Several activities will be organized in favor of these children in order to motivate them, sensitize them and get them to give their contribution to the protection of Natural Resources in their respective regions.

Selection criteria :

- Be a child of a school age (6-14 years)

- Be of Congolese nationality

- Be available and authorized by his parents

- To be a girl or a boy

- Be passionate about the conservation of Nature

Field of actions:

Around the Congolese conserved areas members of CAF RDC asbl (Tayna Nature Reserve, Luviru Nature Reserve, Virunga National park, etc.).

Planned activities:

- Initiation to the production of works of art,

- Visits to tourist sites

- Drawing and description of Congolese Fauna and Flora

- Screening of ecological films in the villages

- Recitations of poems describing nature conservation in the DRC

- Forum lounge in the villages

- Field schools

- School nursery, ...

- Child sponsorship

Thank you for reading us.

I am hoping for your good collaboration and your kind support. We thank you in advance.

For any support to the Ranger Junior Program, please feel free to contact us:

- E-mail: ndakasijc@gmail.com ; caf.rdc@gmail.com

- Telephone: +243 994692636

Or wire your financial support to:

  • Bank Name: Trust Merchant Bank S.A
  • Swift Code: TRMSCD3L
  • Account Number: 00017280002305710010179
  • Addresses: Democratic Republic of Congo, Goma City, Commune: KARISIMBI, Quarter: Katoyi, Avenue: SALONGO, Avenue: SALONGO No 33.
  • Telephone: +243 994692636


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